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Bannière en arrière-plan. Qui représente une galerie d'art.


Galerie VR haut
Photo de ma galerie d'art vu de la cour extérieur, ou on aperçoit le bâtiment avec sa devanture où il est écrit "KODAN ART GALLERY".

Compatible on

Keyboard mouse

Photo of a gamer using his laptop and mouse.

You can move around using the four arrow keys on your keyboard and use your mouse to look around you. The enter key takes you to the merchant site.

Pictogramme des quatre touches fléchées d'un clavier d'ordinateur et d'une souris.


Photo which represents a player facing his computer screen, holding a controller in his hand.

Take advantage of your gamepad, using the two joysticks. The one on the left for movement and the one on the right for peripheral vision. To navigate to the e-commerce site, use the enter key on the keyboard.

Pictogram of a video game controller (gamepad).


Photo qui représente un joueur qui joue à un jeu vidéo sur son smartphone.

For nomads, use your smartphone or tablet and enjoy this experience. Two joysticks are provided for the occasion, one for movement, the other for head movements. Don't forget that you can also select the button which will redirect you to the walking site using touch

Pictogramme d'une tablette numérique ou smartphone.
Image qui repressent le site Web au moment du lancement de l'application (ma galerie d'art). Cette image indique une flèche rouge à l'endroit ou l'on doit cliquer pour mettre l'application en plein écran.

Consider enlarging here

Don't forget to enlarge the scene for greater comfort when you are in the application, by clicking on the "small square" at the bottom right. If you are using your mouse and you have selected full screen mode, remember to "left click" on the screen in the game scene. So that your mouse is properly taken into account and that it does not create interference with the app.

Finally, to exit the application, use the “Escape” key at the top left of your keyboard.

Galerie VR bas
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